Teddies need love too!
Everyone loves teddies! So let’s all adopt a teddy! Be My Teddy Bear lets you do just that you can adopt a teddy and give a teddy.
How does it work you ask!
Why I thought you’d never ask! My app lets you adopt a teddy create a new teddy to adopt and update teddy’s age. With setting the state of the teddies and rendering rhe api created in a seperate backend react file I am able to GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE a teddy rendered on my site. Pretty cool huh! Yes!
My about page thets you read a cute little message about the teddies.
As I render a new or update an old teddy I am able to set the state of the teddies upon a click either deleting or upping the age of the teddy.
What is shown in the pictures above is how you can add a teddy and delete a teddy.
What are API’s and what are they for you ask? Well they are a database that renders everytime you fetch it with the code you write. How else will I see my precious teddies!
Getting everything to work out was hard. I couldn’t understand for the life of me why or whst was wrong but with the help of a couple of friends and my teacher I was able to figure out the prolblems. There were some misspellings and other syntax problems.
After all was said and done I was very pleased! Even my daughter had a chance to enjoy the app!
So there you have it! I made it and you you can also enjoy me new site at Have fun I did and I’m sure you will too!